Can you get sick from undercooked pizza crust?

  • By: Emma
  • Date: May 19, 2022
  • Time to read: 6 min.

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Can you get sick from undercooked pizza crust?

Pizza is a favorite food for many people. It ranks as the number one most commonly consumed food in America. But did you know that undercooked pizza crust can make you sick?

Yes, you can get sick from an undercooked pizza crust. An undercooked pizza crust may lead to abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and headache. 

This article will discuss this issue and give tips on how to avoid getting sick from your next slice of pizza. 

So let’s begin!

What do we mean by undercooked pizza crust?

But what do we mean by undercooked pizza crust? In general, we are referring to the doughy part of the pizza that is not yet cooked all the way through. When pizza crust is fully cooked, it is usually a nice golden brown color. If it is still light in color, then it is not yet done cooking.

So, an undercooked pizza crust can be a problem because the undercooked dough can contain harmful bacteria, such as E. coli.

Some signs that you may have eaten undercooked pizza crust include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. In severe cases, you may also experience a fever and abdominal cramps.

What happens when you get sick from undercooked pizza crust?

So now you know what is an undercooked pizza crust, let’s move on to the symptoms of sickness resulting from undercooked pizza crust.

Abdominal pain

The question is why does abdominal pain happen? And the answer is simple: harmful organisms in the pizza cause inflammation of your intestines leading to abdominal pain. Toxins are also produced by these bacteria and they can cause damage to your intestinal lining.

Nausea and vomiting

Undercooked pizza crust can also trigger nausea which, in turn, can lead to vomiting. And who doesn’t hate throwing up? It’s awful. Now you are probably asking yourself what causes nausea and vomiting? Well, it is because of increased levels of serotonin in your body. This chemical makes you feel sick for a couple of reasons: it slows down your digestive system and it also makes your stomach empty faster.


Diarrhea is another common symptom of getting sick from undercooked pizza crust. This happens because the harmful bacteria in the pizza can irritate your intestines and cause them to produce more water and gas.


A fever is another symptom, which can lead to dehydration. When you are dehydrated, it can be helpful to drink plenty of fluids and eat foods with high water content.


Headache is not a common symptom of such sickness but it can occur if you become very ill.


A fever is another symptom, which can lead to dehydration. When you are dehydrated, it can be helpful to drink plenty of fluids and eat foods with high water content.

A loss of appetite/Listlessness

This one is very common. You won’t feel like eating if you are sick with a stomach ache. This is a very good reason to eat healthily and stay hydrated when battling a headache, nausea, or fever resulting from undercooked pizza crust.

Joint pain (feeling sick in the bones)

This is a less common symptom of getting sick from undercooked pizza crust, but it can occur. It’s not clear why this happens, but some researchers believe that the toxins produced by the bacteria may cause this pain.

What causes these symptoms?

So now that we know what symptoms you might experience if you ate undercooked pizza crust, the next question is why do these symptoms happen? Well, the answer is pretty simple: E. coli!

This is a bacteria that can be found in undercooked meat and it is present in human and animal feces. It’s everywhere. So when you eat something that contains this harmful bacteria, your intestines react by making a person very sick to their stomach. Sometimes it can even lead to kidney failure.

How to prevent getting sick from undercooked pizza crust?

So, now that you know all about the dangers of eating undercooked pizza crust, what can you do to prevent yourself from becoming ill?

Cook it well

Cook your pizza crust until it is a nice golden brown color. This will ensure that the dough is cooked all the way through and will eliminate the risk of contracting an illness from undercooked pizza crust.

To make sure the pizza crust is fully cooked, you can also check the temperature of your oven with a meat thermometer. 350 degrees Fahrenheit is perfect for making homemade pizza. If you’re using a regular home oven, it’s best to leave the pizza in for about 10 minutes, until it’s crispy and delicious.

Not too much sauce

Did you know that E. coli can grow even in the smallest of pockets? Well, it can! You need to ensure that no matter how much sauce you put on your pizza crust, all of the cheese is fully cooked so there are no undercooked spots.

Avoid cross-contamination

Cross-contamination is another way to get sick from undercooked pizza crust. This happens when you contaminate your food with bacteria by not washing your hands properly or not cleaning surfaces well enough.

Make sure to always wash your hands thoroughly after handling raw meat and poultry and before you touch any other food. And be sure to clean your countertops and cutting boards with soap and hot water after you’re done cooking.

Drink water

Staying hydrated is very important when you have a fever, headache, or diarrhea. You need to ensure that your body is getting plenty of fluids so it can heal itself from the inside out!

Eat well

Make sure to eat healthy and nutritious foods when you’re sick. This isn’t the time to neglect fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Take green tea

Green tea will help your body eliminate toxins, which can lead to headaches and general malaise (feeling cruddy and listless).

Be careful when you’re sick

You may not feel like yourself when you’re sick with a stomach ache. But that doesn’t mean it’s okay for you to call in “sick” to work and spend the day in bed. Sometimes it’s best to just take it easy and rest, but other times you may need to push through and get some things done.

Just be sure to listen to your body and know when to rest and when to push yourself a bit.

Whew! That was a lot of information about undercooked pizza crust, but thankfully it’s all good news. Now that you know how to prevent getting sick from undercooked pizza crust, you can go ahead and enjoy this delicious food worry-free!

How long does the sickness of eating undercooked pizza last?

It really depends on how your body reacts to the bacteria that is present in undercooked pizza. If you have a great immune system, it could be about 24 hours.

How long does it take to cook pizza crust?

About 10 minutes in a 350 degree Fahrenheit oven.

What is E. coli?

E. coli is a bacteria that can be found in undercooked meat and humans and animals feces. If your food is not properly cooked, you can get very sick with this bacteria.

How long does it take to cook pizza crust on the grill?

About two minutes on high heat. Remember to close the lid! Just put the crust on the grill and let it cook for about 2 minutes until it’s crispy.

What is cross-contamination?

Cross-contamination is when you contaminate your food with bacteria by not washing your hands properly or not cleaning surfaces well enough. This can happen when you’re cooking, but also when you’re eating.

Make sure to always wash your hands thoroughly after handling raw meat and poultry and before you touch any other food. And be sure to clean your countertops and cutting boards with soap and hot water after you’re done cooking.

How to recook an undercooked pizza crust?

Just pop it in a 350 degree Fahrenheit oven for about 10 minutes and it will be nice and crispy. Remember to let it cool before you eat it!

Can you freeze pizza crust?

Yes, you can! Just wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or foil and place it in a freezer-safe bag. It will last for about 2 months.


In summary, you can get sick from undercooked pizza crust if you do not cook it correctly. Be sure that the crust is fully cooked and that there are no undercooked spots.

Just follow the above-mentioned precautions and treatments and you’ll be able to enjoy delicious and crispy pizza crust with no worries!

Happy Eating!

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