Does pizza crust contain eggs? Here is the most comprehensive answer

  • By: Emma
  • Date: May 19, 2022
  • Time to read: 7 min.

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Does pizza crust contain eggs?

The question of whether or not pizza crust contains eggs has been a point of contention for years. There is no definitive answer. Some people say that it does and others disagree.

The official position from the American Egg Board is that egg-containing doughs are not used in the production process, so therefore crust cannot contain eggs. But many chefs do use eggs in pizza to make it more smooth. So, pizza crust may or may not contain eggs

This blog post will explore whether or not pizza crust contains eggs by looking at both sides of the argument and what experts have to say about it.

Let’s begin!

History of eggs in cooking

Before we can answer the question of whether or not pizza crust contains eggs, we need to understand a bit about the history of eggs in cooking. Eggs have been used in cooking for centuries and are a common ingredient in many dishes.

The use of eggs in cooking can be traced back to ancient Rome, where they were used to make dishes like omelets and custards. They have been used in cuisines throughout Europe, Asia, and the Americas for centuries.

Eggs are a good source of protein and other nutrients such as Vitamin D, iodine, choline, riboflavin, selenium, calcium, phosphorus, and more.

In modern times, eggs have been commonly used to make meringue, angel food cake, mousse, souffle, hard-boiled eggs (like deviled eggs ), and egg noodles or pasta.

The reason that eggs are used in so many dishes is that they are a versatile ingredient that can be combined with other ingredients to create a variety of flavors and textures.

7 Reasons why pizza crust should contain eggs

Now that we have a basic understanding of eggs in cooking, let’s explore some reasons why pizza crust should contain eggs.

1. Eggs make pizza crust more smooth

One of the most common reasons why chefs add eggs to pizza dough is because it makes the crust more smooth. The eggs help to bind the dough together and create a more consistent texture.

2. Eggs make pizza crust more elastic

Another reason why chefs add eggs to pizza dough is that they help to make the crust more elastic. This means that the dough will be able to stretch further without breaking, which is important for a thin crust pizza.

3. Eggs help to hold in moisture

Adding eggs to pizza dough also helps to hold in moisture, which is important for the texture of the crust. The moisture helps to create a soft, airy dough.

4. Eggs make pizza dough more flavorful

Eggs also make pizza dough more flavorful because they contain rich, intense flavors that are released when eggs are cooked. Many people like to pair eggs with cheese on toast or pizzas (including quiche).

5. Eggs make it easier for low carb diets

If you follow a low-carbohydrate diet that excludes gluten, then adding eggs to your pizza crust is one way to still enjoy it without the extra carbs. For those who do not eat gluten products (like bread), using egg substitutes can help mimic the same binding effect as regular flour but without carbohydrates.

6. Eggs are nutritious

Eggs are a good source of protein, B vitamins, choline, selenium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, vitamin A, and more. Eggs are also low in calories and fat.

7. The Yolk has healthy fats

The yolk of an egg contains healthy unsaturated fats that are good for your heart because they help to increase levels of HDL (good) cholesterol and lower levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol.

7 Reasons why pizza crust should not contain eggs

Now that we’ve explored some reasons why it is a good idea for pizza crust to contain eggs, let’s explore some reasons why you might want to avoid using them. Most of the pizza dough recipes do not contain eggs.

1. Eggs raise your risk of heart disease and stroke

Even though egg yolks do provide healthy unsaturated fats and protein, they also contain cholesterol. Raising your intake of cholesterol can increase your risk of developing heart disease and having a stroke.

2. Eggs could cause food poisoning

Because eggs are commonly contaminated with salmonella, there is a chance that you might get sick from eating them if they’re not prepared properly.

In fact, each year around 2-3 million people in the U.S. end up getting sick from salmonella that was found in their egg products or foods that were made using those products as ingredients.

It’s best to cook your eggs thoroughly before eating them to reduce your risk of getting sick from any harmful bacteria they may be carrying.

3. Egg whites contain carrageenan

Egg white contains a substance called carrageenan which has been linked to inflammation, cancer, and other health problems. If you are trying to avoid foods that contain carrageenan, then it is best to avoid recipes that call for eggs whites.

4. Some people are allergic to eggs

Some people are allergic to eggs and can’t eat them without experiencing an adverse reaction. This includes swelling, hives, or even anaphylaxis (a potentially life-threatening reaction).

5. Eggs make the crust crispy

Some people don’t like the crispiness of the crust that comes from adding an egg to it because they prefer a softer texture.

6. Eggs increases weight

If you’re trying to lose weight, then you might want to avoid eating foods that contain egg yolks because they are high in calories and fat. One large egg yolk contains around 80-90 calories and 5 grams of fat.

7. Eggs can be hard to digest

Some people may have trouble digesting eggs because they are so high in protein, which is particularly true of egg white.

If you are tired or sluggish after meals, it could be a sign of an undiagnosed digestive condition like food intolerances or acid reflux.

You might want to avoid eating eggs until your symptoms improve and make sure that you don’t eat any foods with carrageenan if you do decide to include them in your diet.

How to cook pizza crust with eggs?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to cook pizza crust with eggs will vary depending on the recipe you use. However, in general, you can cook an egg-based pizza crust in a similar way to how you would cook a regular pizza crust – by baking it in the oven.

Can I use an egg replacer for pizza crust?

Yes, you can use an egg replacer like a flaxseed meal or chia seeds mixed with water to help bind the ingredients together in place of eggs when making a pizza crust.

Is it better to add eggs or oil to pizza dough?

Adding eggs to your pizza dough will help make it more crispy and flavorful. However, while some people may prefer to add oil instead of eggs, it has no nutritional value and will not keep your crust crispy.

Can I use raw eggs for pizza crust?

While you can use raw eggs in your pizza dough, it’s not recommended because they could carry disease-causing bacteria that may make you sick if they aren’t properly cooked before being added to the dough.

Can eggs contaminate pizza dough?

Yes, eggs can contaminate pizza dough if they aren’t cooked properly. This is because eggs are a common source of salmonella, which can cause food poisoning.

Is it safe to eat pizza crust with eggs?

Pizza crust that contains eggs is generally safe to eat as long as they are cooked properly first. However, if you are allergic to eggs or have an intolerance to them, then you should avoid eating pizza crust that contains them.

How many calories are in a slice of pizza with an egg on it?

There is no one definitive answer to this question, as the number of calories in a slice of pizza with an egg on it will vary depending on the ingredients used and the size of the slice. However, on average, a slice of pizza with an egg on it will contain around 100-130 calories.

On the whole, eggs are a common ingredient in pizza crust because they help make it crispy and flavorful. However, there are several reasons why you may want to avoid eating pizza crust that contains eggs.

Firstly, eggs can carry harmful bacteria that may make you sick if they aren’t cooked properly first. Secondly, some people are allergic to eggs and can’t eat them without experiencing an adverse reaction.

Thirdly, egg whites contain a substance called carrageenan which has been linked to inflammation, cancer, and other health problems. Lastly, eggs are high in calories and fat, which can cause weight gain if you’re trying to lose weight.


In summary, pizza crust may or may not contain eggs, depending on the recipe you use. While eggs can help make pizza crust more crispy and flavorful, they can also contaminate it if they aren’t cooked properly first.

So choose whichever recipe you feel more comfortable with and make sure to follow the cooking instructions carefully.

Happy eating!

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