Why does my fridge make noise at night?

  • By: Emma
  • Date: October 13, 2022
  • Time to read: 4 min.

If you’ve ever been jolted awake by the sound of your fridge humming in the middle of the night, you’re not alone.

Many people report their fridge making strange noises at odd hours, and it can be quite puzzling. Why does my fridge make noise at night? If you’re asking this, this blog post might help you.

Why does my fridge make noise at night?

Your fridge makes noise due to thermal expansion. It occurs when the temperature of the fridge exceeds 37-40oF. The contraction and expansion of the plastic fibers result in a popping noise. The noise of the fridge could also come from the compressor motor. Normally, the fridge’s compressor motor works best at 120 voltages, any fluctuation in voltage can cause the fridge to vibrate and produce noise. 

Noise typesCausePossible Solution
Popping soundsThermal expansionMaintain temperature (37-40oF)
VibrationsFluctuation in the voltage and power of the Compressor motorMaintain a stable voltage (120) and power output
Clicking soundWater line valve lose or not connected with water supplyAvoid broken connections by handling them with care when moving it
Buzzing or HummingLights not workingReplacing the lights
Table 1. Types of fridge noise, causes, and possible solutions.

When should I worry about my fridge noises?

If your fridge starts making noise, it’s important to figure out what the problem is as soon as possible. If the noise is coming from the compressor, it could be a sign that your fridge is overworking and may need to be repaired or replaced.

If the noise is coming from the fan, it might just be a loose blade and you can fix it yourself. However, if the noise is coming from the ice maker, it could be a sign of a serious problem and you should call a repairman immediately.

Read more: Does Spicy Food Last Longer in The Fridge?

How do I stop my fridge from making noise?

If your fridge is making noise, there are a few things you can do to stop it. First, check to see if anything is touching the sides of the fridge. If so, move it away from the fridge.

Second, check to see if the fan blades are hitting something. If they are, adjust them so they don’t hit anything. Finally, check to see if the compressor is loose. If it is, tighten it up. These are just a few things you can do to stop your fridge from making noise.

Can a noisy fridge cause a fire?

Yes, a noisy fridge can cause a fire. If your fridge is making a loud, humming noise, it could be an indication that the compressor is failing. A failing compressor can overheat and cause a fire. If you hear your fridge making strange noises, you should unplug it and contact a repairman.

What are the signs of a bad refrigerator compressor?

When a refrigerator compressor starts to go bad, there are several signs that can alert the homeowner.

One of the most common signs is when the refrigerator stops cooling properly. This can happen because the compressor is not able to circulate the coolant properly.

Another sign is when the refrigerator makes strange noises. These noises can be indicative of a problem with the compressor.

Finally, if the refrigerator starts to leak, this is another sign that something is wrong with the compressor. If any of these signs are present, it is important to call a qualified technician to diagnose and repair the problem.

Read more: Why is my fridge freezing up at the back?

Why does my fridge make a noise when I close the door?

If your fridge is making a noise when you close the door, it could be because of the seal. The seal is what keeps the cold air in and the warm air out. Over time, the seal can become worn or damaged, which can cause the fridge to make a noise when you close the door.

There are a few things you can do to fix this problem. One solution is to replace the seal. You can buy a new seal at most hardware stores. Another solution is to put weatherstripping around the door. This will create a barrier between the cold air and the warm air, which will stop the noise.

How long should a refrigerator last?

The average refrigerator lasts between 10 and 20 years, according to Consumer Reports. But how long your fridge lives depends on a number of factors, from the type of fridge to how well you maintain it.

For example, side-by-side models tend to last about 15 years, while top-freezer models can go for more than 20 years. And if you keep your fridge clean and properly maintained, it’s more likely to last longer.

So what can you do to extend the life of your refrigerator? First, make sure you’re regularly cleaning both the inside and outside of your fridge. This will help prevent dirt and dust from building up, which can shorten the lifespan of your appliance. Second, don’t forget to change the water filter every six months or so.


So, why does my fridge make noise at night? To conclude, this problem is due to thermal expansion which occurs when the temperature of the fridge exceeds 37-40 degrees Fahrenheit. We hope this blog post provided you with some good tips and guides on how to keep your fridge in good health.


Experimental characterization of noise and vibration sources in a refrigerator

Identification of Energy Path in the Interaction between Compressor and Refrigerator

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