When to cover the frying pan? 14 cases that call for covering the frying pan

  • By: Emma
  • Date: May 19, 2022
  • Time to read: 5 min.

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When to cover the frying pan?

If you’re a foodie, you know that frying pans are one of the most important tools in your kitchen. But did you know when to cover the frying pan? Today, you’ll know why and when to cover the frying pans.

When cooking anything with a lower boiling point than water, you should always cover it. For example, if you’re making scrambled eggs, don’t forget to cover them while they cook so no steam escapes, and make sure not to use too high heat on the stovetop. Covering your frying pan, in most cases, is key for perfect dishes every time!

In this blog post, you’ll learn everything you need to know about covering the frying pan.

Let’s get into it!

14 cases that call for covering the frying pan

Covering the frying pan is crucial in some cases. Here are 10 cases where you should always cover the frying pan for perfect dishes every time.

Steaming vegetables

Did you know that steaming your vegetables in a covered frying pan will be crispier? This is because they get cooked by steam instead of boiling water. If the lid is missing, all the water will come out, and the vegetables will become very soggy.

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Making eggs

Use a lid when making eggs, especially scrambled eggs or omelets. Covering the frying pan will trap steam so that your eggs come out fluffy rather than thin and watery. This is also why it’s essential to use a lower heat setting on the stovetop.

If you choose not to place the lid while making an omelet, you should stir the eggs frequently to cook from all sides. But it is always advised to cover the pan for better cooking.

Simmering sauces

When simmering a sauce for a long time, such as in a casserole dish in the oven, it is important to cover the frying pan to reduce evaporation and condensation on the lid. If the fat of the sauce reduces too much, it can become very greasy or even separate.

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Making meatballs

When making meatballs over low heat, you should always cover them with a lid to keep in all of the juices of the minced meats. If you don’t, your dish will end up dry and less tasty than expected.

Boiling pasta

It is widely known that boiling and covering the pan go hand-in-hand. If you feel like your water isn’t boiling, try wrapping your frying pan to encourage faster boiling. This will also help prevent the mess that results when a little bit of pasta water gets flung out and makes a massive mess on your stovetop.

Making bacon

Adding a lid to your pan when making bacon will help keep the grease from splattering all over the place and catching on fire. So if you’re looking for extra safety while cooking this tasty treat, then cover that frying pan!

Making rice

Cover the frying pan while the rice is cooking, so it comes out fluffy and with a perfect texture. The rice will not cook evenly and might come out sticky or crunchy if you don’t.

Making soup

Most soups are cooked with a lid to trap all the flavor in and prevent evaporation on the surface of your soup. This also applies to boiled meats like roasted chicken or beef stew, which often cook in their juices for a tender meal.

Roasting meat or vegetables

Roasting is all about using the dry heat of an oven for cooking and browning your food. It usually requires very low and slow cooking times, so adding a lid to your frying pan will keep everything moist and condensation-free so that your roasted meats turn out tender.

Braising meat

The definition of braising is cooking with a small amount of liquid at low temperatures in the oven or on the stovetop for long periods. This requires using a covered frying pan to trap all that steam and get it to circulate evenly inside the pot to tenderize your meats (and vegetables) and help them simmer into a delicious meal.

Read more: Can you use a frying pan on a gas grill?

Making brownies and bread

If you are a minimalist who loves to make bread, brownies, and cakes in a frying pan, you must also know that covering the pan is a primary step. Without it, these items don’t cook appropriately as covering the pan will serve at even heat distribution. This also makes the frying pan function as an oven.

Melting cheese slices

If you don’t have a microwave and want to melt cheese slices, covering the frying pan is the way to go. This will trap all the steam inside so that your cheese melts evenly without burning or drying. You can also use this method to warm leftovers in a frying pan.

Cooking frittatas

When cooking frittatas, you need to cover the frying pan to cook evenly and not burn. Frittatas are eggs, vegetables, cheese, and meats cooked in a frying pan with their liquids instead of batter or dough. You will want to use medium-low heat while covering the pan with its lid.

Deep frying

Deep frying in a frying pan is a method for cooking with boiling oil, so it can be dangerous if done improperly. It would be best to always cover the frying pan while deep-frying because this will keep all of the surrounding areas covered and prevent any accidents.

Read more: Why does fish stick to pan when frying: Surefire Tips to a perfect Fried Fish

How to cover the frying pan?

It may seem trivial, but it is necessary to know. Covering the frying pan is easy; you only have to bring the front part of your lid near enough to the frying pan to sit on top of it.

This will lock all the steam inside and prevent any dust or odors from entering. You can grab a handle on one side and slide it along with half of your lid.

Here is one warning: never remove the lid of a frying pan with a bare hand while the dish is cooking. This can cause burns or injuries, so wear an oven mitt to remove it safely.

Read more: How hot does a skillet get?

The ideal time to cook everyday cooking items

Following are cooking times for some of the everyday kitchen items.

Cooking itemThe ideal time to cook
Potatoes10-15 minutes
Eggs4-5 minutes
Tomato sauce15-20 minutes
Meatballs25-30 minutes
Pasta10-12 minutes
Bacon9-12 minutes
Rice18-20 minutes
Soup25-180 minutes
Chicken20-30 minutes
Beef25-30 minutes
Bread30-35 minutes
Cheese15-20 minutes
Frittatas40-45 minutes
Deep frying3-15 minutes
Table 1: Ideal time to cook different cooking items (Source: Google)

Final Thoughts

On a final note, you should cover the frying pans with boiling rice, meat, vegetables, or anything with a boiling point lower than that of water.

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