Does chicken float when it’s done frying?

  • By: Emma
  • Date: May 19, 2022
  • Time to read: 5 min.

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Does chicken float when it’s done frying?

When it comes to frying food, one of the most common questions is whether or not the chicken will float when it is done. In this post, I will share with you my experiences, observations, and findings on this topic.

As the chicken is cooked in oil, water inside it evaporates, which causes part of the mass to be lost. As a result, chicken volume increases while its weight decreases after it is subjected to heat. After just a few minutes of cooking, the chicken will float in the oil because their density has been reduced!

Usually, Most of us can’t help but take notice of the floating chicken after gazing upon thinly sliced potato strips frying in oil. The chicken begins to float a few minutes into the cooking process. This is something you’ll see not just with chicken, but also with pretty much every other food that’s fried in oil.

Why does frying something makes it float?

Well, the fact here is that you are not actually making the food float. The upward buoyancy force arises because of the density differences between different regions of chicken.

The meat has less mass than water, therefore it will naturally float. It’s just sort of common sense when you think about it. If something is lighter than air, it will naturally rise to the top.

This is because air density decreases with height in a homogeneous atmosphere, but if you have a layer of something lighter than air under a layer of something heavier than air, it’s going to stay separated from the upper layer.

In this case, we have something lighter than oil under chicken which is heavier than oil. Chicken mass is much less than oil so it stays near the surface where there’s a less buoyant force pushing up on it.

So yeah, gravity and density differences are at work here. This phenomenon applies to pretty much every food that you fry in oil (especially thinly sliced potatoes).

Do other things sink or float?

Anything with water in it will float while denser things will sink, but it’s also a matter of temperature. A thin steak will cook pretty quickly, but if you take a big 5-pound slab of lean meat and fry it, the water in the center won’t have time to evaporate, so it will stay there instead of expanding into steam.

In other words, when boiling or frying foods in oil inside a pan or pot at high temperatures, they will be able to float since their density is lower compared to that of the oil. This hypothesis is largely correct, however, there are other common food items that can be found floating within the oil.

As it turns out, eggs sink in water while onions float. The reason behind this phenomenon lies in the difference between the density of different molecules inside these two ingredients. This also explains why other dense elements like potatoes and carrots tend to sink to the bottom after cooking for a few minutes (assuming you used salt).

Is floating an Indicator of a done chicken?

Yes, it is But I would not suggest frying your chicken in oil for longer than needed if you want tender meat because the water will completely evaporate and start generating steam, which leads to tough meat.

If a chicken does not reach an internal temperature of 180 degrees, it will not be fully cooked and have unsafe bacteria inside. You may have seen some recipes that suggest using a meat thermometer to check for this temperature instead if you don’t trust your eyesight.

After cooking through all parts of the meat, the protein begins to firm up and shrink as water leaves the tissues via evaporation. In essence, cook foods all the way with or without floating in oil when frying with fire or microwave for tenderness.

As many people would agree, when it comes to deep-frying with oil, there are no words that can describe how delicious the food is once completed! Cooking food

However, having said that, there are other much better indicators of when your chicken is cooked. Some people like to pierce their chicken with a fork after boiling it; if the juices run clear – then they know that the meat is cooked.

To be honest, this is probably one of the most efficient techniques available when determining whether or not poultry (or any other type of meat) has been properly prepared

Should you cover the lid while frying chicken

Yes, it is advised to keep the lid on while frying your food. Let me explain, Let’s say you have a whole chicken and you want to fry it. It is best to leave the lid on while cooking so that your chicken cooks thoroughly from all angles. In addition, you can also cover it with aluminum foil for easier clean-up.

However, if you have slices of meat to fry or just a small piece of chicken then covering the frying pan would not be necessary as the food will cook much faster without a lid on top.

However, this rule doesn’t really apply to microwavable cookware that uses plastic (microwave safe) or ceramic dishes (with proper care). If you’re using these types of cookware, then once again it is all up to personal preference. It is recommended that before attempting any of these methods, one should always read the instruction manual carefully.


Yes, chicken does float since its density is lower compared to that of the oil. However, this phenomenon applies to pretty much every food that you fry in oil (especially thinly sliced potatoes).

Chicken meat will be able to float since their density is lower compared to that of the oil, yet cooking them until they reach an internal temperature of 180 degrees Fahrenheit is the only way to ensure they are properly cooked through and free from bacteria.

There are some other signs which can indicate when your chicken might be done but pierce with a fork after boiling it; if the juices run clear – then they know that the meat is cooked. On a final note, deep-frying chicken with oil is one of those cooking techniques which people love.

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